Thursday, February 25, 2010

Well it's been a cold week here in Missouri, finally in the 40's. Spent a lot of time in the office. I had to clean our air purifier and while the parts were drying I noticed I was sneezing more and my eyes were watery. I guess the machine is doing it's job. Send me your indoor comfort problem, let's see if I have the answer. Next time we'll look at indoor disposable filters.

Monday, February 22, 2010

With the cold weather we are indoors most of the day. How is your indoor environment?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Cold Office Warm Office

Did you ever have those areas in home or office that are too cold in the winter and one in the other side of the home or building is stuffy warm?? What is the cause of this? Can it be solved inexpensively? Can it be prevented?
The answer of course is yes. If one knows how the dynamics of a system is supposed to work. It really begins with some simple air flow design and attention to proper layout.
The comfort of our indoor environment affects our attitude, productivity, and in most cases our health.
A few quick pointers for the rest of the winter:
1.-Check the filter of your comfort system--change them no less than every 60 days.
2.-Make sure return air grille is free and clear of blockage or debris.
3.-Make sure all supply air registers are open and unblocked.

Till next time.